Couldn't resist sharing this photo here. We are celebrating Jesus' birth first and foremost I swear! But I don't have any photos of baby Jesus so... ;)
We are spending the holiday at America's Keswick with Brent's family. We spent the better part of today not opening gifts but with the men from the Colony, a rehabilitation from addiction center on campus here. It's been wonderful to hear the men's stories and share in their joy as they see God working in their lives in amazing ways. There's a lot of really intense darkness in the world, but a lot of healing and redemption and miracles are along the way too. It was a gift to be reminded of that and to rejoice in Jesus' birth and of him coming here to spend time with us in the mirk and mire to save us from ourselves.
Amos is our favorite gift of this year. He's a constant joy. We look forward to all the years ahead living life with him. God has blessed us with so much; health, family, a home and provision to make it through. Giving us this boy has put us in total amazement of the vastness of love we can give and receive. It's showing us more about God and his love for us every day.
Grace, peace and love,
Sarah and the boys...
We are spending the holiday at America's Keswick with Brent's family. We spent the better part of today not opening gifts but with the men from the Colony, a rehabilitation from addiction center on campus here. It's been wonderful to hear the men's stories and share in their joy as they see God working in their lives in amazing ways. There's a lot of really intense darkness in the world, but a lot of healing and redemption and miracles are along the way too. It was a gift to be reminded of that and to rejoice in Jesus' birth and of him coming here to spend time with us in the mirk and mire to save us from ourselves.
Amos is our favorite gift of this year. He's a constant joy. We look forward to all the years ahead living life with him. God has blessed us with so much; health, family, a home and provision to make it through. Giving us this boy has put us in total amazement of the vastness of love we can give and receive. It's showing us more about God and his love for us every day.
Grace, peace and love,
Sarah and the boys...