Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good Days

While I was getting Amos ready for a bath yesterday, I caught myself talking to myself saying "These are good days". I don't usually say that sort of thing. Not that I don't have good and bad days, but I usually don't stop long enough to recognize the moment. And I don't usually say it aloud either. And I guess I'm not really talking to myself anymore. This little man in my life is quite a listener, quite a love, quite a soul, quite beyond anything I've ever known. The day quickly spiraled down to a pee on me-fest with lots of back/breast pain thrown in on the side and I wasn't able to "accomplish" any of the things I keep thinking I should be doing. But, I don't know how he does it, when Amos smiles at me I can deal with any amount of trouble or pain that's dished out. These are good days. Really good days. I thank God for this boy and how he's helping me throw a lot of my crap out the window and helping me to just be. And just be happy for that matter. I am blessed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photos of Mr. Famous Amos (are hard to come by!)

I heard last night that my brother in law Travis has been checking week after week for new photos. He gave up and started looking at our friends the Frisbie's site and found what he was looking for. Sorry Trav, I'm a loser sister-in-law. I am quite embarrassed by this, but what can I say, it's not like I'm eating bonbons over here! But I managed to get an album together today of week 3-4, with more to come I promise. And, yes for more up to date postings you can always check out our much more technologically gifted friends' site too... :) Actually John Frisbie has taken the most gorgeous photos of Amos ever. He's got the eye, the fancy lens, and all that sunshine sure helps (being that we live in a cave over here in G-point). Thanks Uncle John, you are making Amos famous. (pronounced of course faMOS!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Amos Rocks

So my last post was when Amos was two weeks old. Now Amos is 2 months old and so much has transpired. So much so that I haven't been able to sit and write here! We've had some bumps along the way. Brent's grandfather's passing was hard, for the family to be without him now and physically for me to travel there and get around at 4 weeks post-partum. During this time was a great visit from Grandma Dickinson (thank you!) But then we entered our first time without extra help around here and boy was it a shock! I understand now why moms always say they need a third hand. I've become quite the one-handed typer that's for sure. And now that I'm back working one of my jobs, those work emails will be to the point and all in lower-case (esp. while I'm breastfeeding!)

BFFF... Amos has his first crush, our ceiling fan. He bats his eyelashes and coyly hides his face and quickly looks back at his Best Friend Forever Fanny. Ah, they grow up so fast...

We've started to take longer walks in the park and get to spend longer times with him cooing and smiling. I'll try and post some videos here sometime soon.

Things really haven't gotten easier yet (things I won't go into here in the blogosphere) but everyone assures me that they will soon! Amos is certainly growing and sucking in the world around him so fast. And I already feel like I am not taking him in and enjoying this time enough. He's just such a cool dude.
But, we have taken pictures!

Here's a few for now and I'll make another huge album and post on the right of this blog soon. Thanks for checking in and thanks for loving Amos. He rocks.