Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photos of Mr. Famous Amos (are hard to come by!)

I heard last night that my brother in law Travis has been checking week after week for new photos. He gave up and started looking at our friends the Frisbie's site and found what he was looking for. Sorry Trav, I'm a loser sister-in-law. I am quite embarrassed by this, but what can I say, it's not like I'm eating bonbons over here! But I managed to get an album together today of week 3-4, with more to come I promise. And, yes for more up to date postings you can always check out our much more technologically gifted friends' site too... :) Actually John Frisbie has taken the most gorgeous photos of Amos ever. He's got the eye, the fancy lens, and all that sunshine sure helps (being that we live in a cave over here in G-point). Thanks Uncle John, you are making Amos famous. (pronounced of course faMOS!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHH . . . I wish with all my might that I could have been at that park get together with the Frisbies! Oh how we miss you all so much. Your families are just to die for.

Hallie Greider