Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good Days

While I was getting Amos ready for a bath yesterday, I caught myself talking to myself saying "These are good days". I don't usually say that sort of thing. Not that I don't have good and bad days, but I usually don't stop long enough to recognize the moment. And I don't usually say it aloud either. And I guess I'm not really talking to myself anymore. This little man in my life is quite a listener, quite a love, quite a soul, quite beyond anything I've ever known. The day quickly spiraled down to a pee on me-fest with lots of back/breast pain thrown in on the side and I wasn't able to "accomplish" any of the things I keep thinking I should be doing. But, I don't know how he does it, when Amos smiles at me I can deal with any amount of trouble or pain that's dished out. These are good days. Really good days. I thank God for this boy and how he's helping me throw a lot of my crap out the window and helping me to just be. And just be happy for that matter. I am blessed.

1 comment:

Erin and Jeremy said...

What a great post! your thoughts resonate so much in my life. I miss you three dearly. I still have a present to send Amos! I can't believe he doesn't have it yet. When is he going to be baptized?